Update: Flewellyn and Shea

I am disturbed by yet another accident at the intersection of Flewellyn and Shea. I have once again raised this issue with the Mayor’s office and with senior management at the City, demanding that attention be urgently paid to this intersection. It is clear that action has been needed for a long time; this most recent accident is another terrible reminder that a new approach is needed to get things done in Ottawa.

As I wrote back in January, this intersection is top of mind for me and I agree completely that action is needed. I have been advocating for permanent fix to this intersection since first being elected. Unfortunately, despite the accidents and traffic issues, the intersection does not yet meet the provincially-designated warrants for realignment or full intersection control measures.

Given this most recent accident, my office has asked staff to reassess the warrants once again. Additionally, my office has provided a recommendation to staff that the intersection be assessed with consideration to the increasing amount of development in Stittsville and Richmond alongside the issues of an excessive number of accidents in the area.

It is extremely frustrating to me that intersections like Flewellyn and Shea, which everyone agrees are problematic, are stuck waiting behind a bureaucratic process to be fixed. Unfortunately the warrant system is applied City-wide, and I would not have sufficient support at Council to ‘jump the queue’ for intersections in our ward.

Even when warrants are met at the intersection, there are dozens of intersections across the City that need roundabouts or traffic lights that have been waiting for years. These issues are particularly bad in rural Ottawa. At the present rate of funding, some intersections that currently are warranted for measures may be waiting a few decades before receiving funding. I discussed this in greater detail in a recent article in my weekly newsletter.

This is obviously unacceptable, and I am working with my Council colleagues on a permanent fix to both the specific issues at Flewellyn and Shea, and the broader issues across the municipality.

During the last budget season, I helped advance a motion that would see more money allocated to warranted intersections so that we can clear the backlog more quickly. I will be advancing another motion soon that aims to fund all existing warranted intersections so that Flewellyn and Shea can rise up the list as quickly as possible and get the infrastructure that is needed urgently.

While I continue pushing for a permanent fix, City staff have agreed to implement a number of interim measures:

  • Flashing beacons with red lights on Shea and amber lights on Flewellyn will be added to alert drivers to the approaching intersection

  • Intersection warning signs will be relocated to further in advance of the intersection to provide greater notice of the intersection

  • Speed boards have been ordered to be added to Flewellyn Road on the approaches to Shea to encourage drivers to abide by the speed limit

  • Edge line pavement markings will be added to encourage speed reductions on approach to the intersection

These measures are slated to be implemented imminently; I have asked staff to provide specific dates for when these work orders will be completed, and I will share that with the community once I receive it.

I share the frustration of the community that this intersection remains in need of better traffic control measures. I will continue to do all that I can to advance this issue more assertively at the City.


Commitment to Community Safety


Newsletter Apr 18