4386 Rideau Valley Dr. Info Session

Community Information and Comment Session

You are invited to attend a virtual Community Information and Comment Session on Monday, May 29, 2023, at 6:30pm through Zoom (video conferencing) to discuss a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision applications for 4386 Rideau Valley Drive (File No. D02-02-22-0118 & D07-16-22-0026).

The City of Ottawa has received a Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision application to accommodate the development of a 147-unit (approximate) residential subdivision, in a mix of detached, semi-detached and townhouses, on municipal services.

For additional information, please contact:

Erica Ogden-Fedak

Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development Department

Tel: 613-580-2424, ext. 26510

E-mail: erica.ogden-fedak@ottawa.ca

Remote Participation

The chosen technology for this meeting is Zoom, which allows for participation by telephone, as well as by computers and mobile devices.

Persons who intend to participate during the meeting may wish to register/sign up in Zoom, if they have not already done so. The following information is provided for your consideration and guidance during remote participation in the meeting:

How to Join the Meeting

Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIqde-prj8jG9z8FeDlkr6Q0KIj_UniUXs_

Zoom ID: 867 2610 4918

Password: 014879

Or Telephone:

Dial 1 438 809 7799 (Toll Free)

Webinar ID: 867 2610 4918

Password: 014879

Format of the Meeting

The format of the meeting will be:

1. Opening remark by Ward Councillor.

2. Presentation by City staff.

3. Presentation by the applicant.

4. Question and answer period.

5. Wrap up by City staff.

To ask a question to the presenter or to make a comment during the meeting, there are a few options available:

1. Provide a list of your questions to City staff ahead of the meeting by emailing Erica Ogden-Fedak at erica.ogden-fedak@ottawa.ca. Staff will ask the question on your behalf during the meeting or respond to your question prior to the meeting. Please limit it to two questions per participant.

2. Register to ask questions prior to the meeting by emailing Erica Ogden-Fedak at erica.ogden-fedak@ottawa.ca. City staff will go down the list of requested speakers during the question-and-answer period, and you may ask questions during the meeting.

3. You can also use the “raise hand” function in Zoom during the question-and-answer period, and you will be placed on the requested speakers list.

Other Considerations

Project information can be found on the City’s devapp website: https://devapps.ottawa.ca/en/applications/D07-16-22-0026/details

If you join the Zoom meeting through your phone, please do not put the phone on hold at any time, as this will result in broadcasting “hold music” online once your mic function is unmuted

To optimize call quality when using a laptop, a headset with microphone is best if available to you; otherwise, whether using your laptop microphone or cell phone, please speak directly into the receiver and do not use speaker phone.


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